Home – Out Now!
Our new album, “Home” is now available on all music platforms!!! Thank you for listening! And thank you to our family and friends for all of the support to get this album out during a crazy ass year. We did it!!! Here’s to a New Year of more music and less coronavirus
Listen Now on:
iTunes (Apple Music)
We finished our full-length album!

“Home” will be released on all streaming platforms by the end of 2020. We started writing music together about a decade ago, during a difficult adoption process for our son Soul. Music had always been a big part of our lives separately and is now what we love to do together.
We recorded the majority of the album during quarantine, with our kids in the other room, helping us to keep the dogs quiet, in between home deliveries, work, and life. But during all of that chaos, “Home” happened quite naturally and I am so happy we got it done.
“Home” is an album of 12 original songs. Songs about love, loss, children, family and the beautiful and not so beautiful reality of what it means to be human.
Thank you to our family and friends for helping to make this happen by hanging out with Lennon and Soul, taking photos for us, listening to versions of songs and just supporting us every step of the way.

“The Piano Song”
The first single from our new album called “Home” due out this year.
Won’t You Please – Now Available on iTunes!
Our latest single, Won’t You Please is now out on iTunes. Get it here!
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Won’t You Please
We have been quiet for quite a while (having a kid and losing Months worth of recording to a computer malfunction), but we have some new recordings to share!
Listen to the first of many tracks we will be releasing over the next few Months